At present, there are 140 teachers in this school, 17 teachers have the doctoral degree, 33 professors, 48 vice professors and 30 lecturers. The School’s enrollments are approximately 2456 undergraduate students and 81 postgraduate students.
Among Professors, Yue Yanfang is a middle-aged and young expert with outstanding contributions to Hebei Province. Fang Yixiang, Cui Hongbin, and Yin Chenghu are 3 teaching masters of the university, and Gao Xueqiang, Liang Jianshu, Liu Yi, and Gao Huiqin are 4 famous high-level teachers in mechanical specialty. Professor Gao Xueqiang is the person in charge of the provincial quality course of "Descriptive Geometry and Mechanical Drawing", which is the demonstration classroom teaching of the University. Professor Liang Jianshu teaches courses of "Theoretical Mechanics" and "Material Mechanics", and the courses are the demonstration classroom teaching of the University. Professor Liu Yi teaches courses of "Mechanical Principle" and "Mechanical Design". Professor Gao Huiqin is the person in charge of the provincial quality courses of "Mechanical Principle" and "Mechanical Design" and won the third prize of provincial teaching achievement award.